In early 2012 Mabvuku Polyclinic sent a request for support to ZimHealth launching what would be our largest project to date lasting for over four years and with a total partner budget of USD 1.6 million. This report, authored by Gamuchirai Gwaza aims to evaluate the impact of the ZimHealth
Ann Brechin & Ginny raise $400 for ZimHealth maternity care projects
Our supporters take many shapes and forms but this is the first time we have had a canine supporter join ZimHealth’s drive for quality health for all! Read on to discover how Anne Brechin and her Jack Russell have supported ZimHealth through these uncertain times.
ZimHealth Annual Fundraising Gala 2017
ZimHealth Europe invites you to support our cause on the 20th of October 2017 as ZimHealth hosts its annual fundraising gala in Geneva, Switzerland. Featuring the Musical Superstar Oliver Mtukudzi & the Black Spirits & the Poet Laureate Albert Nyathi, ZimHealth promises a Zimbabwean music and cultural extravaganza, all for
Welcome Baby Elton
On Friday 7 May 2017, Baby Elton was delivered by Caesarian section at the brand new Mabvuku Danny Makuto memorial operating theatre. The successful operation took place with the in house team of surgeons, supervised by experienced Parirenyatwa Hospital operating theatre staff.
Baby Elton made local newspaper headlines and